A Musical Interlude

I don’t consider myself a person with abundant taste — whether it’s style, food, or music. And yet, most of my day is spent listening to music uninterrupted. I listen to music as I drive, as I work, as I cook, & during commercial breaks when I watch TV. I’ve also gotten the chance to chat and cover local musicians; One such musician being Olivia Jean.

I recently took on being the other half of Harness Magazine’s Project Manager, and as such, got the chance to write a review of Olivia Jean’s new album: Night Owl.

Below is an excerpt from that review. You can read the whole piece over at Harness (click here), but first, give her single — and the title nod of my review — a listen:

A Night Owl Reviews Night Owl From Olivia Jean


The irony — in that Alanis Morissette “Ironic” kind of way — that I am composing a review of an album titled “Night Owl” as the clock clicks past midnight … 1AM … then 2AM isn’t lost on me. I am a self-proclaimed night owl. A creature who pulls her headphones on after 10PM to surf the Internet, read articles on upcoming movies and dance around her apartment on a steady stream of songs.

My latest musical focus comes from Olivia Jean, and her recently released album, “Night Owl,” from Third Man Records. The album, consisting of 14 tracks, pulls from several different musical elements, but has a consistent sound and up-tempo tone.

While listening, I can hear the overarching retro rock ‘n’ roll of the 50’s and 60’s. There are threads in her songs reminding me of The B-52’s, along with the bop and leg twisty dancing seen in movies like “Beach Blanket Bingo” and “Gidget” (especially in the opening track, “Garage Bat”).

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Read my Magazine Monday post on Harness here. Olivia Jean is touring this Fall/Winter 2019. Check out specific dates here. Be sure to check out her website: www.oliviajeanmusic.com, and follow her on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, & Twitter: @oliviajeanmusic.

Top photo taken by me, article photo courtesy of Third Man Records.